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Staff Spotlight- Samm

Meet Samm, our newest staff member and Street Outreach Caseworker! This past October, Samm moved here from California and took the Street Outreach reins from Shawn Miller, who had served our Council Bluffs Street Outreach clients since early 2022. Shawn has since transitioned into a Chief Operations Officer role with us at New Visions.

Working in Homeless Services is nothing new to Samm, having served as a Shelter Supervisor in California. “Our clients are some of the coolest, smartest people I know,” says Samm, “I love being in a position where I can just see them as a human when so many in society have seen them as mentally ill or an addict or whatever. Having my own lived experiences, it’s been powerful for me to be able to give others the help that I needed when I was younger, it has helped with my own journey of recovery and healing.”

The goal of Samm’s work in Street Outreach is ultimately to help individuals secure shelter or housing, but in the short term, it also helps people to literally stay alive as Samm delivers food, water, blankets, and other basic needs to unhoused individuals in Council Bluffs. One of Samm’s goals in Outreach has been to continue the supportive and safe culture that Shawn began with the clients here in our community. “Shawn is beloved by our clients,” says Samm, “so I was nervous to take over the program. One of my most meaningful moments thus far was having a client tell me that she felt comfortable and safe with me. In this work, you never expect that kind of affirmation, but it meant a lot.”

Curiosity, energy, and adaptability are some of Samm’s best traits, and some of Samm’s favorite things include animals, being outdoors, and yoga. Samm plans to take advantage of New Visions’ partnership with Bellevue University and will begin work on a college degree in March. Samm is very proud to work in Homeless Services and to have overcome so much in life. “It’s taken me a long time to be able to say that I’m proud of myself,” says Samm, “I’m finally to the point where I know I need to do things for myself so that I can do more for others.” We are so thankful that Samm has chosen to serve others here at New Visions, and we’re grateful that we can work together to meet the basic needs of those in our community.

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