“Spider,” a US Marine Veteran, is grateful for a second chance in life thanks to New Visions Homeless Services and the VA Hospital. After serving with the Marines in the late 70’s, Spider took a job driving truck and eventually moved to Bellevue, Nebraska, with his wife. On the outside, Spider had a good job and a loving family, but what no one knew was that he was suffering from a growing addiction to alcohol. He hid and lied about his alcoholism for nearly 40 years, but when his wife passed away in September of 2023, Spider’s addiction took over and he eventually lost his home. Finding himself homeless and unable to overcome his addiction, Spider went into a spiral that eventually landed him passed out, slumped over his steering wheel with an Omaha Police Officer knocking on the window. Spider was arrested and then entered into an inpatient treatment program at the VA. When he was released, Spider was sent to our New Visions Omaha Veteran’s Campus for a 6-month program that would prove to be exactly what he needed to get back on his feet.
“I truly feel like the VA and New Visions were an answer to prayer,” says Spider, “I knew I needed help to get off the bottle, I couldn’t do it alone.” Spider’s 6-month program at New Visions included many classes and therapy sessions that helped him with his addiction, financial planning, and eventually getting him into his own apartment on October 16 of 2024. “Through this whole process, I got a lot of love from both the VA and New Visions,” says Spider, “and now I get to give that same love to other Vets by volunteering.” Spider now helps with New Visions groups that offer art therapy and peer support as well as a group that watches movies and uses them to explore their own emotions and trauma.
Spider has many gifts to share with the community including playing guitar and drums, art, public speaking, firearms instructing, and even being on the pro tour for disc golf! And in case you’re wondering about Spider’s name, he says it all started when he was around 10 years old and was the kid who wanted to save spiders instead of killing them, which led to a fascination and respect of the creatures that has lasted his whole life. Today, Spider is happy to be housed and continuing to work on himself. “Recovery is for life,” says Spider, “and I know I have a community that’s here to help me every step of the way.” As we celebrate Veteran’s Day today, we at New Visions thank Spider and all US Veterans for their service, and we’re proud to stand with them no matter where life has taken them.